The climate adaptation app gives urban designers, engineers or others insight in feasible measures for a project with a specific climate adaptation goal. The app will generate a selection of feasible climate adaptation measures in less than a minute. If for instance, an urban development in a flood plain is to be prepared for river flooding, the app will rank feasible measures based on the local conditions and the user's input. The user guide can be found here.
User Guide
The climate adaptation app consists of 3 components. Below a short user guide for each of them is presented.
Component 1: selection of feasible measures
To start the selection of feasible measures, one or more options for each of the six filters needs to be selected. The options can best be selected in based on a specific project. For the best results all six filters need to be specified. However it is also possible to select less filters. To start the selection at least the adaptation target should be chosen. Based on the input a ranking of suitable measures is presented.
Component 2: specific information on measures
It is possible to get more information on each individual adaptation measure included in the app. For this just search, click or press the specific measure.
Component 3: specific climate information
For three cities specific climate information is provided. This information can be accessed through the climate information button.
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